“Equity in healthcare is not just about providing access; it’s about meeting every individual where they are and addressing the unique barriers they face. Equality gives everyone the same, but equity ensures everyone has what they need to thrive.” .
– Dr. Knatisha Washington, ATW Health Solutions
Dr. Knitasha Washington, DHA, FACHE, is a nationally esteemed leader in healthcare transformation, celebrated as a humanitarian, visionary thought leader, and pioneering architect of high-performing healthcare systems and communities. Recognized for advancing health equity, patient-centered care, and evidence-based healthcare practices, Dr. Washington has consistently championed policies and innovations that create sustainable improvements across the healthcare spectrum.
ATW Health Solutions Founder & President
NAHSE Past President
NAHSE National Board Member
Grand Prairie Behavioral Health Services
Fellow of the Institute of Medicine and American College of Healthcare Executive
National Quality Forum Board Member
MedStar System Patient and Family Council for Quality and Safety
Co-Principal Investigator for the Community Engagement of Early Stroke Recognition and Immediate Action in Stroke (CEERIAS)
Principal Investigator for the 2CEERIAS Research on Stroke Disparities
CMS Leadership Award (2017)
Governors State University Luminary Pioneer Award (2014)
Illinois Department of Public Health Excellence in Community Health Leadership Award (2014)
American College of Healthcare Executives Regents Health Care Leadership Award (2013)